Fare Quote

Retrieve fare quote API provides fares exclusive to the travel agent. This API is used to fetch availability & pricing information for a given origin, destination and departure date. TFEE [Agency Transaction Fees] by default is included in fare quote Response under ApplicableTaxDetail with TaxCode "TFEE". 

  • This API returns the flight and the fare (AIR/TAX/included ancillaries) components.
  • Flight Segments with dates, fare type names and fare IDs are seen here in response as like website based on your request.
  • In request send FareFilter as NoCombinabilityRoundtripLowestFarePerFareType to retrieve cheapest fare per type
  • Use PassengerTypeID=1 for Adult, PassengerTypeID=5 for Infant and PassengerTypeID=6 for Child

Combinable Sector Fares:

  • In case of roundtrip booking, only fare types that are combinable should be selected. Otherwise, the booking will not be processed.
  • Combinability matrix provides all the allowed combinations that can be selected for each fareType, SolnId [Solution ID] combination. You can refer it in the Combinability section of fareQuote response.
  • "RuleId" and "hashcode" fields are available in the response for each fareType, SolnId [Solution ID] combination. These field values must be passed in the 'AddToCart' request of the booking flow. 
  • Any booking attempt with the wrong fare value or fare combination will be rejected and flagged for auditing.
  • If combinability matrix is not in the response, OTA can select any available fareID from farequote response, combine them and complete the booking. 

Fare rules/Penalties:

  • Enhanced FQ API will provide penalties applied for respective FareBrandID's under Penalties Tag
  • There will  be two sub tags under penalties i.e ChangeFee and CancellationFees. 
  • Value demonstrates the amount or percentage that will be deducted as form of penalty for any type of Modification or cancellation. 

URL: https://devapi.flydubai.com/res/v3/pricing/flightswithfares

Method: POST


      • Content-Type                    : application/json
      • Authorization                    : Bearer<space>JWTToken
      • Accept-Encoding               : gzip, deflate



"RetrieveFareQuoteDateRange": {
"RetrieveFareQuoteDateRangeRequest": {
"SecurityGUID": "",
"CarrierCodes": {
"CarrierCode": [
"AccessibleCarrierCode": "FZ"
"ChannelID": "OTA",
"CountryCode": "AE",
"ClientIPAddress": "",
"HistoricUserName": "apitest",
"CurrencyOfFareQuote": "EUR",
"PromotionalCode": "FAREBRANDS",
"IataNumberOfRequestor": "00000000",
"FullInBoundDate": "03/10/2019",
"FullOutBoundDate": "01/10/2019",
"CorporationID": "-2147483648",
"FareFilterMethod": "NoCombinabilityRoundtripLowestFarePerFareType",
"FareGroupMethod": "WebFareTypes",
"InventoryFilterMethod": "Available",
"FareQuoteDetails": {
"FareQuoteDetailDateRange": [
"Origin": "DXB",
"Destination": "PRG",
"PartyConfig": "",
"UseAirportsNotMetroGroups": "true",
"UseAirportsNotMetroGroupsAsRule": "true",
"UseAirportsNotMetroGroupsForFrom": "true",
"UseAirportsNotMetroGroupsForTo": "true",
"DateOfDepartureStart": "2020-10-01T00:00:00",
"DateOfDepartureEnd": "2020-10-01T23:59:59",
"FareQuoteRequestInfos": {
"FareQuoteRequestInfo": [
"PassengerTypeID": 1,
"TotalSeatsRequired": 1
"PassengerTypeID": 6,
"TotalSeatsRequired": 1
"PassengerTypeID": 5,
"TotalSeatsRequired": 1
"FareTypeCategory": "1"
"Origin": "PRG",
"Destination": "DXB",
"PartyConfig": "",
"UseAirportsNotMetroGroups": "true",
"UseAirportsNotMetroGroupsAsRule": "true",
"UseAirportsNotMetroGroupsForFrom": "true",
"UseAirportsNotMetroGroupsForTo": "true",
"DateOfDepartureStart": "2020-10-03T00:00:00",
"DateOfDepartureEnd": "2020-10-03T23:59:59",
"FareQuoteRequestInfos": {
"FareQuoteRequestInfo": [
"PassengerTypeID": 1,
"TotalSeatsRequired": 1
"PassengerTypeID": 6,
"TotalSeatsRequired": 1
"PassengerTypeID": 5,
"TotalSeatsRequired": 1
"FareTypeCategory": "1"




"RetrieveFareQuoteDateRangeResponse": {
"RetrieveFareQuoteDateRangeResult": {
"Exceptions": {
"ExceptionInformation.Exception": [
"ExceptionCode": 1,
"ExceptionDescription": "Successful Transaction",
"ExceptionSource": "RetrieveFareQuoteDateRange",
"ExceptionLevel": "SUCCESS"
"FlightSegments": {
"FlightSegment": [
"LFID": 12192303,
"DepartureDate": "2020-10-01T15:30:00",
"ArrivalDate": "2020-10-01T20:05:00",
"LegCount": 1,
"International": true,
"FareTypes": {
"FareType": [
"FareTypeID": 11,
"SolnId": 17,
"CMPFare": "false",
"FareTypeName": "LITE",
"FilterRemove": false,
"Changeable": 0,
"Refundable": 0,
"FareInfos": {
"FareInfo": [
"Pax": [
"ID": 1,
"FareID": 50,
"PaxCount": 1,
"FCCode": "O",
"FBCode": "OR6AE2",
"BaseFareAmtNoTaxes": 198.5,
"BaseFareAmt": 198.50,
"FareAmtNoTaxes": 198.50,
"BaseFareAmtInclTax": 258.74,
"FareAmtInclTax": 258.74,
"PTCID": 1,
"Cabin": "ECONOMY",
"SeatsAvailable": 9,
"InfantSeatsAvailable": 25,
"DisplayFareAmt": 198.5,
"DisplayTaxSum": 60.24,
"SpecialMarketed": false,
"PromotionCatID": 0,
"ApplicableTaxDetails": {
"ApplicableTaxDetail": [
"TaxID": 1624,
"Amt": 18.44,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 4246,
"Amt": 28.27,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 4247,
"Amt": 2.46,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 4844,
"Amt": 1.23,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 8745,
"Amt": 8.61,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 10386,
"Amt": 1.23,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"CMPFare": "false",
"AccruedPoints": {
"BaseRewardPoints": "450",
"BonusRewardPoints": "0",
"BaseTierPoints": "450",
"BonusTierPoints": "0",
"TierBonusMiles": "0",
"TierBonusTierMiles": "0"
"RuleId": "10#17",
"hashcode": "b4da3b17b85751ed7375e906485adbee2c5b3986cfef976295f16280af30084f",
"BookingCodes": {
"Bookingcode": [
"RBD": "O",
"Cabin": "Economy",
"PFID": 128833,
"DepartureDate": "2020-10-01T15:30:00"
"FareCarrier": "FZ",
"Penalties": {
"ChangeFees": {
"ChangeFee": [
"DateChangeInd": true,
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"ToTime": "0",
"DateChangeInd": true,
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"FromTime": "0",
"Type": "NOSHOW"
"CancellationFees": {
"RefundPenalty": [
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"ToTime": "0",
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"FromTime": "0",
"Type": "NOSHOW"
"Pax": [
"ID": 2,
"FareID": 51,
"PaxCount": 1,
"FCCode": "O",
"FBCode": "OR6AE2",
"BaseFareAmtNoTaxes": 198.5,
"BaseFareAmt": 198.50,
"FareAmtNoTaxes": 198.50,
"BaseFareAmtInclTax": 258.74,
"FareAmtInclTax": 258.74,
"PTCID": 6,
"Cabin": "ECONOMY",
"SeatsAvailable": 9,
"InfantSeatsAvailable": 25,
"DisplayFareAmt": 198.5,
"DisplayTaxSum": 60.24,
"SpecialMarketed": false,
"PromotionCatID": 0,
"ApplicableTaxDetails": {
"ApplicableTaxDetail": [
"TaxID": 1624,
"Amt": 18.44,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 4246,
"Amt": 28.27,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 4247,
"Amt": 2.46,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 4844,
"Amt": 1.23,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 8745,
"Amt": 8.61,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 10386,
"Amt": 1.23,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"CMPFare": "false",
"AccruedPoints": {
"BaseRewardPoints": "450",
"BonusRewardPoints": "0",
"BaseTierPoints": "450",
"BonusTierPoints": "0",
"TierBonusMiles": "0",
"TierBonusTierMiles": "0"
"RuleId": "10#17",
"hashcode": "1df169165b5b3718e84fbd80b90e37ba0c6ebf2dda1506caa7424c82a86e6721",
"BookingCodes": {
"Bookingcode": [
"RBD": "O",
"Cabin": "Economy",
"PFID": 128833,
"DepartureDate": "2020-10-01T15:30:00"
"FareCarrier": "FZ",
"Penalties": {
"ChangeFees": {
"ChangeFee": [
"DateChangeInd": true,
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"ToTime": "0",
"DateChangeInd": true,
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"FromTime": "0",
"Type": "NOSHOW"
"CancellationFees": {
"RefundPenalty": [
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"ToTime": "0",
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"FromTime": "0",
"Type": "NOSHOW"
"Pax": [
"ID": 3,
"FareID": 49,
"PaxCount": 1,
"FCCode": "O",
"FBCode": "OR6AE2",
"BaseFareAmtNoTaxes": 18.5,
"BaseFareAmt": 0,
"FareAmtNoTaxes": 18.5,
"BaseFareAmtInclTax": 20.96,
"FareAmtInclTax": 20.96,
"PTCID": 5,
"Cabin": "ECONOMY",
"SeatsAvailable": 9,
"InfantSeatsAvailable": 25,
"DisplayFareAmt": 18.5,
"DisplayTaxSum": 2.46,
"SpecialMarketed": false,
"PromotionCatID": 0,
"ApplicableTaxDetails": {
"ApplicableTaxDetail": [
"TaxID": 4247,
"Amt": 2.46,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"CMPFare": "false",
"AccruedPoints": {
"BaseRewardPoints": "0",
"BonusRewardPoints": "0",
"BaseTierPoints": "0",
"BonusTierPoints": "0",
"TierBonusMiles": "0",
"TierBonusTierMiles": "0"
"RuleId": "10#17",
"hashcode": "f4789b37102f55aed37c393cba95aae1f277de019312e709b5c0bb2770806605",
"BookingCodes": {
"Bookingcode": [
"RBD": "O",
"Cabin": "Economy",
"PFID": 128833,
"DepartureDate": "2020-10-01T15:30:00"
"FareCarrier": "FZ",
"Penalties": {
"ChangeFees": {
"ChangeFee": [
"DateChangeInd": true,
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"ToTime": "0",
"DateChangeInd": true,
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"FromTime": "0",
"Type": "NOSHOW"
"CancellationFees": {
"RefundPenalty": [
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"ToTime": "0",
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"FromTime": "0",
"Type": "NOSHOW"
"FareTypeID": 11,
"SolnId": 13,
"CMPFare": "false",
"FareTypeName": "LITE",
"FilterRemove": false,
"Changeable": 0,
"Refundable": 0,
"FareInfos": {
"FareInfo": [
"Pax": [
"ID": 1,
"FareID": 38,
"PaxCount": 1,
"FCCode": "O",
"FBCode": "OR6AE2",
"BaseFareAmtNoTaxes": 199.0,
"BaseFareAmt": 199.00,
"FareAmtNoTaxes": 199.00,
"BaseFareAmtInclTax": 259.24,
"FareAmtInclTax": 259.24,
"PTCID": 1,
"Cabin": "ECONOMY",
"SeatsAvailable": 9,
"InfantSeatsAvailable": 25,
"DisplayFareAmt": 199.0,
"DisplayTaxSum": 60.24,
"SpecialMarketed": false,
"PromotionCatID": 0,
"ApplicableTaxDetails": {
"ApplicableTaxDetail": [
"TaxID": 1624,
"Amt": 18.44,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 4246,
"Amt": 28.27,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 4247,
"Amt": 2.46,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 4844,
"Amt": 1.23,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 8745,
"Amt": 8.61,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 10386,
"Amt": 1.23,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"CMPFare": "false",
"AccruedPoints": {
"BaseRewardPoints": "450",
"BonusRewardPoints": "0",
"BaseTierPoints": "450",
"BonusTierPoints": "0",
"TierBonusMiles": "0",
"TierBonusTierMiles": "0"
"RuleId": "8#13",
"hashcode": "abe07fb85d7d19f5b166ea976095f57686873c2fa41ab021047c96b85ae32448",
"BookingCodes": {
"Bookingcode": [
"RBD": "O",
"Cabin": "Economy",
"PFID": 128833,
"DepartureDate": "2020-10-01T15:30:00"
"FareCarrier": "FZ",
"Penalties": {
"ChangeFees": {
"ChangeFee": [
"DateChangeInd": true,
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"ToTime": "0",
"DateChangeInd": true,
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"FromTime": "0",
"Type": "NOSHOW"
"CancellationFees": {
"RefundPenalty": [
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"ToTime": "0",
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"FromTime": "0",
"Type": "NOSHOW"
"Pax": [
"ID": 2,
"FareID": 39,
"PaxCount": 1,
"FCCode": "O",
"FBCode": "OR6AE2",
"BaseFareAmtNoTaxes": 199.0,
"BaseFareAmt": 199.00,
"FareAmtNoTaxes": 199.00,
"BaseFareAmtInclTax": 259.24,
"FareAmtInclTax": 259.24,
"PTCID": 6,
"Cabin": "ECONOMY",
"SeatsAvailable": 9,
"InfantSeatsAvailable": 25,
"DisplayFareAmt": 199.0,
"DisplayTaxSum": 60.24,
"SpecialMarketed": false,
"PromotionCatID": 0,
"ApplicableTaxDetails": {
"ApplicableTaxDetail": [
"TaxID": 1624,
"Amt": 18.44,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 4246,
"Amt": 28.27,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 4247,
"Amt": 2.46,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 4844,
"Amt": 1.23,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 8745,
"Amt": 8.61,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 10386,
"Amt": 1.23,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"CMPFare": "false",
"AccruedPoints": {
"BaseRewardPoints": "450",
"BonusRewardPoints": "0",
"BaseTierPoints": "450",
"BonusTierPoints": "0",
"TierBonusMiles": "0",
"TierBonusTierMiles": "0"
"RuleId": "8#13",
"hashcode": "83a765bc8ea46d8e2e76153db41b04c47743cc0828df557363dba06a49857ccc",
"BookingCodes": {
"Bookingcode": [
"RBD": "O",
"Cabin": "Economy",
"PFID": 128833,
"DepartureDate": "2020-10-01T15:30:00"
"FareCarrier": "FZ",
"Penalties": {
"ChangeFees": {
"ChangeFee": [
"DateChangeInd": true,
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"ToTime": "0",
"DateChangeInd": true,
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"FromTime": "0",
"Type": "NOSHOW"
"CancellationFees": {
"RefundPenalty": [
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"ToTime": "0",
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"FromTime": "0",
"Type": "NOSHOW"
"Pax": [
"ID": 3,
"FareID": 37,
"PaxCount": 1,
"FCCode": "O",
"FBCode": "OR6AE2",
"BaseFareAmtNoTaxes": 18.5,
"BaseFareAmt": 0,
"FareAmtNoTaxes": 18.5,
"BaseFareAmtInclTax": 20.96,
"FareAmtInclTax": 20.96,
"PTCID": 5,
"Cabin": "ECONOMY",
"SeatsAvailable": 9,
"InfantSeatsAvailable": 25,
"DisplayFareAmt": 18.5,
"DisplayTaxSum": 2.46,
"SpecialMarketed": false,
"PromotionCatID": 0,
"ApplicableTaxDetails": {
"ApplicableTaxDetail": [
"TaxID": 4247,
"Amt": 2.46,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"CMPFare": "false",
"AccruedPoints": {
"BaseRewardPoints": "0",
"BonusRewardPoints": "0",
"BaseTierPoints": "0",
"BonusTierPoints": "0",
"TierBonusMiles": "0",
"TierBonusTierMiles": "0"
"RuleId": "8#13",
"hashcode": "6130ec7d20aab2760fa60b89a703482a2b04eaeed6e8f0909ea78468901a57bf",
"BookingCodes": {
"Bookingcode": [
"RBD": "O",
"Cabin": "Economy",
"PFID": 128833,
"DepartureDate": "2020-10-01T15:30:00"
"FareCarrier": "FZ",
"Penalties": {
"ChangeFees": {
"ChangeFee": [
"DateChangeInd": true,
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"ToTime": "0",
"DateChangeInd": true,
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"FromTime": "0",
"Type": "NOSHOW"
"CancellationFees": {
"RefundPenalty": [
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"ToTime": "0",
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"FromTime": "0",
"Type": "NOSHOW"
"FareTypeID": 11,
"SolnId": 19,
"CMPFare": "false",
"FareTypeName": "LITE",
"FilterRemove": false,
"Changeable": 0,
"Refundable": 0,
"FareInfos": {
"FareInfo": [
"Pax": [
"ID": 1,
"FareID": 56,
"PaxCount": 1,
"FCCode": "O",
"FBCode": "OR6AE2",
"BaseFareAmtNoTaxes": 199.0,
"BaseFareAmt": 199.00,
"FareAmtNoTaxes": 199.00,
"BaseFareAmtInclTax": 259.24,
"FareAmtInclTax": 259.24,
"PTCID": 1,
"Cabin": "ECONOMY",
"SeatsAvailable": 9,
"InfantSeatsAvailable": 25,
"DisplayFareAmt": 199.0,
"DisplayTaxSum": 60.24,
"SpecialMarketed": false,
"PromotionCatID": 0,
"ApplicableTaxDetails": {
"ApplicableTaxDetail": [
"TaxID": 1624,
"Amt": 18.44,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 4246,
"Amt": 28.27,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 4247,
"Amt": 2.46,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 4844,
"Amt": 1.23,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 8745,
"Amt": 8.61,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 10386,
"Amt": 1.23,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"CMPFare": "false",
"AccruedPoints": {
"BaseRewardPoints": "450",
"BonusRewardPoints": "0",
"BaseTierPoints": "450",
"BonusTierPoints": "0",
"TierBonusMiles": "0",
"TierBonusTierMiles": "0"
"RuleId": "2#19",
"hashcode": "02b2772bfb8264c4acf11ffda4c62be578eede32c8f727fecedf57f9f7a63093",
"BookingCodes": {
"Bookingcode": [
"RBD": "O",
"Cabin": "Economy",
"PFID": 128833,
"DepartureDate": "2020-10-01T15:30:00"
"FareCarrier": "FZ",
"Penalties": {
"ChangeFees": {
"ChangeFee": [
"DateChangeInd": true,
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"ToTime": "0",
"DateChangeInd": true,
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"FromTime": "0",
"Type": "NOSHOW"
"CancellationFees": {
"RefundPenalty": [
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"ToTime": "0",
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"FromTime": "0",
"Type": "NOSHOW"
"Pax": [
"ID": 2,
"FareID": 57,
"PaxCount": 1,
"FCCode": "O",
"FBCode": "OR6AE2",
"BaseFareAmtNoTaxes": 199.0,
"BaseFareAmt": 199.00,
"FareAmtNoTaxes": 199.00,
"BaseFareAmtInclTax": 259.24,
"FareAmtInclTax": 259.24,
"PTCID": 6,
"Cabin": "ECONOMY",
"SeatsAvailable": 9,
"InfantSeatsAvailable": 25,
"DisplayFareAmt": 199.0,
"DisplayTaxSum": 60.24,
"SpecialMarketed": false,
"PromotionCatID": 0,
"ApplicableTaxDetails": {
"ApplicableTaxDetail": [
"TaxID": 1624,
"Amt": 18.44,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 4246,
"Amt": 28.27,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 4247,
"Amt": 2.46,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 4844,
"Amt": 1.23,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 8745,
"Amt": 8.61,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 10386,
"Amt": 1.23,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"CMPFare": "false",
"AccruedPoints": {
"BaseRewardPoints": "450",
"BonusRewardPoints": "0",
"BaseTierPoints": "450",
"BonusTierPoints": "0",
"TierBonusMiles": "0",
"TierBonusTierMiles": "0"
"RuleId": "2#19",
"hashcode": "6633d71e5ee7f0287d03cf0ae76ec82a7d4d9afa4bb4d9f4dda63eb7031e1f0d",
"BookingCodes": {
"Bookingcode": [
"RBD": "O",
"Cabin": "Economy",
"PFID": 128833,
"DepartureDate": "2020-10-01T15:30:00"
"FareCarrier": "FZ",
"Penalties": {
"ChangeFees": {
"ChangeFee": [
"DateChangeInd": true,
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"ToTime": "0",
"DateChangeInd": true,
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"FromTime": "0",
"Type": "NOSHOW"
"CancellationFees": {
"RefundPenalty": [
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"ToTime": "0",
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"FromTime": "0",
"Type": "NOSHOW"
"Pax": [
"ID": 3,
"FareID": 55,
"PaxCount": 1,
"FCCode": "O",
"FBCode": "OR6AE2",
"BaseFareAmtNoTaxes": 20.5,
"BaseFareAmt": 0,
"FareAmtNoTaxes": 20.5,
"BaseFareAmtInclTax": 22.96,
"FareAmtInclTax": 22.96,
"PTCID": 5,
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"SeatsAvailable": 9,
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"DepartureDate": "2020-10-03T21:20:00"
"FareCarrier": "FZ",
"Penalties": {
"ChangeFees": {
"ChangeFee": [
"DateChangeInd": true,
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "0",
"ToTime": "0",
"DateChangeInd": true,
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "0",
"ToTime": "96",
"DateChangeInd": true,
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"FromTime": "96",
"CancellationFees": {
"RefundPenalty": [
"Currency": "AED",
"PenaltyType": "A",
"ToTime": "24",
"Type": "UPTO",
"Amount": "0"
"Currency": "AED",
"PenaltyType": "A",
"FromTime": "24",
"ToTime": "0",
"Type": "WITHIN",
"Amount": "400.0"
"Currency": "AED",
"PenaltyType": "A",
"FromTime": "0",
"ToTime": "96",
"Amount": "400.0"
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"FromTime": "96",
"Pax": [
"ID": 3,
"FareID": 4,
"PaxCount": 1,
"FCCode": "Z",
"FBCode": "ZR9AE2",
"BaseFareAmtNoTaxes": 88.5,
"BaseFareAmt": 0,
"FareAmtNoTaxes": 88.5,
"BaseFareAmtInclTax": 98.34,
"FareAmtInclTax": 98.34,
"PTCID": 5,
"Cabin": "BUSINESS",
"SeatsAvailable": 9,
"InfantSeatsAvailable": 25,
"DisplayFareAmt": 88.5,
"DisplayTaxSum": 9.84,
"SpecialMarketed": false,
"PromotionCatID": 0,
"ApplicableTaxDetails": {
"ApplicableTaxDetail": [
"TaxID": 4247,
"Amt": 9.84,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"TaxID": 10314,
"Amt": 0.0,
"InitiatingTaxID": 0
"CMPFare": "false",
"AccruedPoints": {
"BaseRewardPoints": "0",
"BonusRewardPoints": "0",
"BaseTierPoints": "0",
"BonusTierPoints": "0",
"TierBonusMiles": "0",
"TierBonusTierMiles": "0"
"RuleId": "1,3,5,19#2",
"hashcode": "4b92d2eb81c65f2521cc2f8cac361ab763ca6c8de6fb5558bb47149b06f903d6",
"BookingCodes": {
"Bookingcode": [
"RBD": "Z",
"Cabin": "Business",
"PFID": 128838,
"DepartureDate": "2020-10-03T21:20:00"
"FareCarrier": "FZ",
"Penalties": {
"ChangeFees": {
"ChangeFee": [
"DateChangeInd": true,
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "0",
"ToTime": "0",
"DateChangeInd": true,
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "0",
"ToTime": "96",
"DateChangeInd": true,
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"FromTime": "96",
"CancellationFees": {
"RefundPenalty": [
"Currency": "AED",
"PenaltyType": "A",
"ToTime": "24",
"Type": "UPTO",
"Amount": "0"
"Currency": "AED",
"PenaltyType": "A",
"FromTime": "24",
"ToTime": "0",
"Type": "WITHIN",
"Amount": "400.0"
"Currency": "AED",
"PenaltyType": "A",
"FromTime": "0",
"ToTime": "96",
"Amount": "400.0"
"PenaltyType": "P",
"Percentage": "100",
"FromTime": "96",
"FlightLegDetails": {
"FlightLegDetail": [
"PFID": 128838,
"DepartureDate": "2020-10-03T21:20:00"
"value": "true"
"LegDetails": {
"LegDetail": [
"PFID": 128833,
"DepartureDate": "2020-10-01T15:30:00",
"Origin": "DXB",
"Destination": "PRG",
"FlightNum": "1781",
"International": true,
"ArrivalDate": "2020-10-01T20:05:00",
"FlightTime": 395.0,
"OperatingCarrier": "FZ",
"MarketingCarrier": "FZ",
"MarketingFlightNum": "1781",
"FromTerminal": "3",
"ToTerminal": "",
"EQP": "",
"GeneralEQP": "737"
"PFID": 128838,
"DepartureDate": "2020-10-03T21:20:00",
"Origin": "PRG",
"Destination": "DXB",
"FlightNum": "1782",
"International": true,
"ArrivalDate": "2020-10-04T05:30:00",
"FlightTime": 370.0,
"OperatingCarrier": "FZ",
"MarketingCarrier": "FZ",
"MarketingFlightNum": "1782",
"FromTerminal": "",
"ToTerminal": "3",
"EQP": "",
"GeneralEQP": "737"
"SegmentDetails": {
"SegmentDetail": [
"LFID": 12192303,
"Origin": "DXB",
"Destination": "PRG",
"DepartureDate": "2020-10-01T15:30:00",
"CarrierCode": "FZ",
"ArrivalDate": "2020-10-01T20:05:00",
"Stops": 0,
"FlightTime": 395.0,
"AircraftType": "73B",
"SellingCarrier": "FZ",
"FlightNum": "1781",
"OperatingCarrier": "FZ",
"OperatingFlightNum": "1781",
"FlyMonday": false,
"FlyTuesday": false,
"FlyWednesday": false,
"FlyThursday": false,
"FlyFriday": false,
"FlySaturday": false,
"FlySunday": false,
"flightCorrelationID": "MMVXaTZDn4z5LxdvTYF9uQ=="
"LFID": 12192308,
"Origin": "PRG",
"Destination": "DXB",
"DepartureDate": "2020-10-03T21:20:00",
"CarrierCode": "FZ",
"ArrivalDate": "2020-10-04T05:30:00",
"Stops": 0,
"FlightTime": 370.0,
"AircraftType": "73B",
"SellingCarrier": "FZ",
"FlightNum": "1782",
"OperatingCarrier": "FZ",
"OperatingFlightNum": "1782",
"FlyMonday": false,
"FlyTuesday": false,
"FlyWednesday": false,
"FlyThursday": false,
"FlyFriday": false,
"FlySaturday": false,
"FlySunday": false,
"flightCorrelationID": "wNpd3RcIMQ8ola3xrQxCBw=="
"TaxDetails": {
"TaxDetail": [
"TaxID": 4247,
"TaxCode": "TFEE",
"CodeType": "TFEE",
"TaxDesc": "TFEE DUMMY"
"TaxID": 10314,
"TaxCode": "BAGI",
"CodeType": "BAGI",
"TaxDesc": "10kg baggage INCLUDED in fare"
"TaxID": 1624,
"TaxCode": "AE",
"CodeType": "TAX",
"TaxDesc": "Passenger Service Charge (Intl)"
"TaxID": 4844,
"TaxCode": "TP",
"CodeType": "TAX",
"TaxDesc": "Passengers Security & Safety Service Fees"
"TaxID": 8745,
"TaxCode": "F6",
"CodeType": "TAX",
"TaxDesc": "Passenger Facilities Charge."
"TaxID": 10386,
"TaxCode": "ZR",
"CodeType": "TAX",
"TaxDesc": "Advanced passenger information fee"
"TaxID": 4246,
"TaxCode": "YQ",
"CodeType": "TAX",
"TaxDesc": "YQ - DUMMY"
"TaxID": 8947,
"TaxCode": "BAGL",
"CodeType": "BAGL",
"TaxDesc": "30kg BAG INCLUDED IN FARE"
"TaxID": 11186,
"TaxCode": "MLIN",
"CodeType": "MLIN",
"TaxDesc": "Standard meal"
"TaxID": 11187,
"TaxCode": "INST",
"CodeType": "INST",
"TaxDesc": "Included seat"
"TaxID": 10566,
"TaxCode": "CZ",
"CodeType": "TAX",
"TaxDesc": "Embarkation Tax(International)"
"TaxID": 6544,
"TaxCode": "JBAG",
"CodeType": "JBAG",
"TaxDesc": "40kg Baggage allowance Business"
"TaxID": 6545,
"TaxCode": "IFPJ",
"CodeType": "IFPJ",
"TaxDesc": "In flight entertainment Business"
"TaxID": 8946,
"TaxCode": "BAGB",
"CodeType": "BAGB",
"TaxDesc": "20kg BAG INCLUDED IN FARE"
"ServiceDetails": {
"ServiceDetail": []
"Combinability": {
"BS": [
"ID": 1,
"SolnRef": [
"ID": 2,
"SolnRef": [
"ID": 3,
"SolnRef": [
"ID": 4,
"SolnRef": [
"ID": 5,
"SolnRef": [
"ID": 6,
"SolnRef": [
"ID": 7,
"SolnRef": [
"ID": 8,
"SolnRef": [
"ID": 9,
"SolnRef": [
"ID": 10,
"SolnRef": [
"ID": 11,
"SolnRef": [
"ID": 12,
"SolnRef": [
"ID": 13,
"SolnRef": [
"ID": 14,
"SolnRef": [
"ID": 15,
"SolnRef": [
"ID": 16,
"SolnRef": [
"FullInBoundDate": "03/10/2019",
"FullOutBoundDate": "01/10/2019"